City Life: why we love living in an apartment


Amig@s, I’ve got great news to share: I’m four months pregnant!

What does that bit of good news have to do with a blog post about life in an apartment?

Well, pregnancy gets you thinking about all kinds of life questions, including housing.

Most friends and neighbors in my life circle (mid-30s, married with children, settled in their careers) share something in common: they live in a house with a yard and basement.

D. and I are the odd ones out. We (still) live in an apartment. In fact, D. has lived in an apartment most of his life, and I since 1998.

And, we love it!

Since we announced that we’re expecting our second child, we’re often asked if we’ll stay in our apartment or look for a bigger house. D. and I think about that question a lot and for now, we’ve decided to stay put and make our 1,000 square-foot apartment work for our growing family.

Here’s why we love apartment life:

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A Parenting Paradigm Shift {Changes on the Blog}


Queridos amigos,

While on the one hand it bothers me that I’m not currently blogging on a regular basis, on the other hand it doesn’t.

Yes, life with a toddler who now only takes one nap a day instead of two equates to very little free time alone. And, yes, it’s summer and the pace of life just slows down. But, truthfully, those aren’t the only reasons I have fallen out of stride with blogging about my adventures in bilingual parenting.

Over the past few months I have witnessed the evolution and expansion of my parenting paradigm from raising a bilingual child to raising a bilingual child and parenting slower, more simply, and more intentionally. Continue reading